Basic Essential Duas for Muslims

001 Ta‑'aw‑wuth
002 Tas‑mi‑yah
003 Kali‑mah Tay‑yi‑bah
004 Kali‑mah Sha‑haa‑dah
005 Kali‑mah Tam‑jeed
006 Kali‑mah Taw‑heed
007 Kali‑mah Rad‑de‑Kufr
008 Iman Mujmal
009 Iman Mufassal
010 Before Wudhoo
011 During Wudhoo
012 After Wudhoo
013 Adhaan (except for Fajr)
014 Adhaanul Fajr
015 Iqaamah
016 Replying to Adhaan and Iqaamah

017 Dua After Aazaan
018 When Entering Masjid
019 When Exiting Masjid
021 Takbeer
022 Thana
023 Roku - Tasbeeh
024 Getting up from Roku
025 Qawmah
026 Sajdah - Tasbeeh
027 Tashahhud-1
(Preferred by Hanafi Fiqh)
028 Tashahhud-2
(Preferred by Shafi Fiqh)
029 Durood-e-Ibraheem
030 Dua Before Salam
031 Dua after Salam/Salat
032 Dua of Qunoot-1
(Preferred by Hanafi Fiqh)
033 Dua of Qunoot-2
(Preferred by Shafi Fiqh)
034 Thana in Janaazah Salat
035 Dua in Janaazah Salah for an Adult
036 Dua in Janaazah Salah for a Boy
037 Dua in Janaazah Salah for a Girl
038 Dua for Conveying Thawaab to the Deceased
039 Dua when entering the Cemetery
040 Dua before slaughtering a Qurbani Animal
041 Dua After slaughtering a Qurbani Animal
042 Aqeeqah Dua for a Boy
043 Aqeeqah Dua for a Girl
044 Dua for Fasting
045 Dua when breaking the Fast
046 Dua when entering home
047 Dua when leaving home
048 Dua before going to bed
049 Dua before sleeping
050 Dua after waking up
051 Dua when entering toilet
052 Dua after leaving the toilet
053 Dua when seeing the new moon
054 Dua at the time of sunset
055 Dua at the time of a journey
056 Dua when beginning a journey
057 Dua when returning from a journey
058 Dua before eating
059 Dua after eating
60 Dua when loss occurs
061 Dua after drinking water
062 Dua when looking into the mirror
063 Dua when wearing a new garment
064 Dua when wearing a garment
065 Dua on hearing good news
066 Dua when visiting a sick person
067 Dua when in bodily pain
068 Dua when in fever
069 Dua when fire breaks out
070 Dua when evil thought comes to mind
071 Dua at the time of rainfall
072 Dua when there is excessive downpour
073 Dua when one hears thunder
074 DuaDua when one is in difficulty
075 Dua when any need arises
076 Dua for increasing knowledge
077 Dua at the time of death
078 Dua whenlayingthe dead in the qabr
079 Dua when filling the qabr with soil